lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008


I will be going to Japan on March 31st. and stay there for three months to study japanese with a tourist visa. Currently, I got stuck in Asturias with nothing to do, leaving my job in Madrid and waiting for a job pemit that never came, so I really feel like I´ve been losing a lot of time. I feel really stupid.Still can not understand the whole situation. Anyway, it´s past and there´s nothing I can do it about it. But the worst thing is that I can not recover my time. I must confess I´m angry with myself. Best thing about going to my former school is that I will have again my marvellous kanji teacher there, I hope she´s still there making funny kanji classes. Funny and kanji together, 可笑しいね?.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Are you going to Osaka or Toyko?
Any chances to pass Hong kong once again?

スサナ dijo...

Osaka, hope to see you there!

Anónimo dijo...

I met Takeshi last Sunday and he said that your Japanese is very GOOD!
He was surprise!

スサナ dijo...

oops really?he he thank you , but I´m now forgetting everyhting.
Did he go to King Kong?

スサナ dijo...

oops really?he he thank you , but I´m now forgetting everyhting.
Did he go to King Kong?